You need strategies and solutions to help you navigate an uncharted environment
Conduct business with confidence, even where you lack established relationships, through the use of guarantees and standby letters of credit. An HSBC guarantee could enable you to negotiate favourable terms with buyers and suppliers by protecting them from non-performance under a contract while addressing your financing needs. HSBC offers tailored solutions including performance, advance payment, tender, warranty, financial guarantees and standby letters of credit as well as others upon request.
Our guarantees solutions
Financial guarantees
Use our lease, customs and other financial guarantees as a substitute for cash deposits with your counterparties, freeing your working capital and potentially securing favourable contract terms.
Non-financial guarantees
Open up new tender opportunities with HSBC-issued tender bonds, negotiate better contract terms via our performance and warranty guarantees and secure up-front payments via our advance payment guarantees.
Standby letters of credit
In markets where your suppliers and buyers are less comfortable with guarantees, HSBC can support your business via both financial and non-financial standby letters of credit.

HSBC EY Sustainable Chemicals Report
The chemical industry’s energy consumption is the highest of any industrial sector, pushing companies to map their ESG transition plans.

Together with DeFacto
With the right financing and online banking tools, DeFacto navigated the COVID-19 pandemic.

Together with SASA
With the right trade finance support and investment financing, SASA successfully navigated through COVID-19 uncertainty.

HSBC announces COVID-19 charity projects in Middle East
An estimated 80,000 people across seven countries in the region will benefit from the bank’s global US$25m COVID-19 charitable fund, including 3,600 in Kuwait.
Contact us
Call us on:
+965 2223 0722